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Sant’Amanza Mooring

Mooring buoys for vessels between 24 and 75 M in the Gulf of Sant’Amanza in Bonifacio  

In 2020, a prefectoral decree regulating the anchoring of vessels over 24 meters in length within the perimeter of the Bouches de Bonifacio Nature Reserve was implemented, a regulation which has now been extended to whole of Corsica.


The aim is to protect the marine ecosystem and limit physical damage to sensitive marine habitats such as Posidonia meadows.


Bonifacio Marina’s port expertise has enabled the installation of 15 mooring buoys in the Sant’Amanza gulf. These environmentally friendly moorings guarantee yachtsmen safe, reasoned access to a protected area. This project, widely supported by the scientific community, is designed to permanently preserve a 60-hectare area.


This project is in line with the sustainable approaches adopted by Bonifacio Marina and its teams, who are highly aware of and involved in environmental and sustainable development issues (Clean Ports “Ports Propres” and Active in Biodiversity certification, the port’s “Pavillon Bleu’’ label, “Opération Grand Site” on Bonifacio territory…).

15 buoys for organized mooring

The Sant’Amanza Mooring area comprises 15 mooring points:

  • 12 buoys for vessels up to 24 meters

  • 3 buoys for vessels up to 60 meters

  • 1 buoy for vessels up to 75 meters

Services offered

  • 11am to 11am shift

  • Towing

  • Garbage collection on request

  • Area surveillance

Mooring areas

The Sant’Amanza Mooring boxes are located in the heart of the Bouches de Bonifacio Nature Reserve.

In the area delimited by the red dotted lines, it is forbidden to anchor large and very large yachts (over 24m overall).

The installation of mooring boxes in the green-dotted areas therefore offers these vessels the chance to enjoy an exceptional site, with organized mooring options that respect the environment and preserve the underwater ecosystem.

Prices & Information

Sant’Amanza Mooring buoys are available from June 1st to September 30.

On site, a team dedicated to boaters is on hand every day from 11am to 7pm.

Reservations can be made online, by selecting the Sant’Amanza mooring.

For further information, please contact us by e-mail at
or by phone at +33 4 95 73 10 07 or, in case of emergency, at +33 6 13 45 70 34.
Tarifs Sant'Amanza Mooring

A measure to protect posidonia

Posidonia meadows are the lungs of the Mediterranean and a habitat for marine fauna, which is why their protection has been a major issue in the Mediterranean for many years.


Posidonia meadows cover around 1.5 million hectares of the Mediterranean basin. The Corsican coastline accounts for 53,000 of these, and between 2019 and 2020, no less than 11 hectares were destroyed by anchors at the Sant’Amanza/Balistra site.


With the installation of this mooring system, which enables large boats to anchor without dropping anchor and damaging the seabed, Bonifacio Marina is continuing its long-standing policy of sustainable development by offering boaters a more environmentally-friendly alternative.




This model of box has been chosen for its advantages in terms of reliability and environmental protection. Here are some of its features:

  • Eco-designed ballasted anchors,

  • Adapted to the local environment and its specific features,

  • Designed with a bio-mimetic approach (adapted to the site) to capture local species,

  • Integrated into the landscape to maintain structural continuity,

  • Hydraulic transparency with the aim of limiting the risk of modifying current patterns and impacting seagrass beds

Coffre amarrage Santa Manza