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Recyclable, special and toxic, emanating from boats maintenance:

They must be brought to the Clean Point located at the entrance to the Technical Zone. Several containers are available, cardboard, metals, toxic waste, non-toxic waste, batteries, etc.

Our own Clean Point is located on the north quay between the careening area and the fishermen’s house and is accessible every day.

Household waste

all non-toxic or recyclable materials must be placed in household waste containers located near selective sorting areas.

Recyclable household waste:

Sorting columns are located around the port to collect glass, plastic bottles and unsoiled packaging, paper and cardboard.

Waste water of boats

Any discharge of sewage from boats is strictly prohibited. For boats equipped with a black water box, a blackwater collection pump is available on the berth.

Bilge water: 

Any discharge of bilge water from boats is strictly prohibited. A bilge water collection pump is available on the refueling pier.

Fairing waters

The fairing area is equipped with a treatment station that removes pollution from fairing operations.

The practice of refitting afloat is strictly prohibited.